Open Bible Studies
The Queen Creek Church of Christ invites you to attend our open Bible studies on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. Our in depth Bibles Classes are available for all ages. Come grow with us as we learn more about the Word of God. Everyone is welcomed at our church. It is a joy and a blessing to grow in the knowledge of God's Word as we grow in the fullness and stature of Christ. Everyone is important to God and His church. We want to help every member of our church family to reach his or her fullest potential in life.
Our members are available and willing to study the Bible with you and your family at your home, in one of our homes, at the local coffee shop, or wherever is most convenient and comfortable for you. If you are interested in our Bible correspondence courses please let us know sending us an email at
Come and join us this week for Bible study and worship. We look forward to becoming friends and having you as a member of our church family. To God be the glory!
Always know that God is within your reach!