Online Sermons

Online Sermons

Widow Wisdom

We don't just, as a church, help only certain a small subset of people who we deem important and worthy.  We together, we care about the lowly, whether they're our family members or not, whether we've known them for years and years or not.  We care about and take care of people who need us to take care of them.  And that's what we see in this chapter.  What we see from the churches responsibility toward widows.  We together help the helpless...  1 Tim 5:3 "honor widows" ...

What an incredible selling point we have as the church.  To show people we take care of people who need to be taken care of.  Why be a member of the church? Why join yourself to a group of believers?  Why be a part of the church?  First Timothy chapter 5 says we have an unbridled opportunity to help people in the church.  This is our opportunity together.  We are presented all the time with people who we can support and help.  Now, widows here is the topic of conversation, but we can go further and find out all the other people we can support and should support... Acts 2 sold possessions,... Acts 6 windows cared for with money and food and funds helping out on a daily basis.  Your money, your time and your attention when it's collected together as part of the church helps people in need.  And that's a big deal!

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